Casey Kearney


Master of Music – San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Bachelor of Music – Oberlin Conservatory of Music

Hailed as “exquisite” by Cleveland Classical, New York native Casey Kearney began her time with the LPO for the 2022-23 season as a one-year member before officially joining the roster in 2023. She has performed with Bard Opera Summerscape, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the San Francisco Symphony, and has a number of appearances on Oberlin Music Label recordings. Prior summer festivals include Music Academy of the West and the National Repertory Orchestra. Her primary mentors have been Robert Sheena, Eugene Izotov, Robert Walters, and Rich Dallessio, though all of her musical influences are far too numerous to list. Outside of practicing and reedmaking, she enjoys reading, gaming, gardening, and spending time with her fiancé, Spencer, and their bunnies, Milo and Penelope.


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Ji Weon Ryu