Annual Fund
The following are gratefully acknowledged for new and renewed gifts made to the LPO’s Annual Fund during the 2023-24 season. A gift supports the LPO’s artistic and community programs that connect people and music throughout the region.
Estate of Calvin Drew Sanders
Lois and Lloyd Hawkins, Jr. Foundation
Estate of Lizbeth Turner
LPO Volunteers
Gia Maione Prima Foundation
Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust
James Rogers
RosaMary Foundation
Paulette and Frank Stewart
Theresa Bittenbring Marque & John Henry Marque Fund
Virginia D. Kock Endowment
Valerie Besthoff
Sybil M. and D. Blair Favrot Family Fund
Freeport-McMoRan Foundation
Gauthier Family Foundation
Gia Maione Prima Foundation
Susan L. Krinsky
Charlotte and Bob Lewis
Ellen and Stephen Manshel
Mr. Edward F. Martin
New Orleans Cultural and Tourism Fund
Jeffrey Pounds
Estate of Carolyn Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Juergen F. A. Seifert
Catherine B. Tremaine
Drs. R. Ranney and Emel Songu Mize
Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust
Estate of James Robert Pope
RosaMary Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Stewart, Jr.
The Theresa Bittenbring Marque & John Henry Marque Fund
Virginia D. Kock Endowment
Arts New Orleans
Mrs. Adelaide Benjamin
Benjamin S. Brupbacher, Jr. and Lois Weil Brupbacher Family Foundation
Mr. Henry Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Boudreaux
Mrs. Philip Breitmeyer, II
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Hales
Dr. Bernard M. Jaffe
Kathleen Moore Vick Foundation
Louisiana Division of the Arts
Mary Freeman Wisdom Foundation
Ms. Courtney-Anne Sarpy
Touro LCMC Health
Mr. Henry Bernstein
Cahn Family Foundation
Carole B. and Kenneth J. Boudreaux Foundation
Arthur A. Crais, Jr.
Mr. James C. Gulotta and Ms. Susan G. Talley
Susan and William D. Hess
Angela Hill
Jewish Endowment Foundation
Dr. Bernard M. Jaffe
Dr. Edward D. Levy, Jr.
Carter and Jennifer Nice
Kathleen Moore Vick Foundation
Ms. Paige Royer & Mr. Kerry Clayton
Ms. Courtney-Anne Sarpy
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Strub
Melanie Sumerlin
Dr. Robert Watzke
Mrs. Adelaide W. Benjamin
Mrs. Donald M. Bradburn
Mrs. Philip Breitmeyer, II
Drs. Andrea S. and Archie W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Chotin, Jr.
Linda Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ferguson
Georges Lurcy Charitable & Educational Trust
Ana and Juan Gershanik
Ellen Frohnmayer
Ferber Family of Houma Foundation
Goldring Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Hales
Jerry W. Zachary Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Jim and Betty Karam
Keller Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kelly
Estate of Robert Leake
Louisiana Division of the Arts
Mr. Dwayne O. Littauer
Dr. and Mrs. David Neubauer
Michael Harold and Dr. E. Quinn Peeper
Mr. Peter Rogers
Edward Soll
Nancy Sorak
Betty and Greg Speyrer
Standard Mortgage Corporation
Woldenberg Foundation
Mary and Doug Albert
Arts New Orleans
Roselyn B. Boneno, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Cliffe
Veronica Costanza and Gerald Sellar
Robert Force
Emmet Geary
Leonard E. Prelutsky Memorial Donor Advised Fund
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation
Darlene Johnson
Chris & Evie Merritt
William and Jane Sizeler
Luther and Zita Templeman Foundation
Lorraine Thien
Van der Linden Family Foundation
The Vega Group
Weil Family Fund
Grace Morris Williamson
Con Brio – $1,500+
Mrs. Bethlehem K. Andrews
George Bernstein
Larry Blake
Florence Brown
Kathy and Gordon Cain
Ms. Nancy L. Claypool
Dr. Gerald Cohen
Joan Coulter Fund
George & Milly Denegre Fund
Rev. Susan Gaumer
Joanna Giorlando
Valborg and Robert Gross
Lis and Hugo Kahn
Ronald and Nancy Hudson Kelly
Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home & Cemeteries
Ruth Loeffelholz
J. Edgar Monroe Foundation
Raymond James
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sarpy
Ann Scharfenberg
Tchoupitoulas Fund
Joe & Judy Toups
Claire Whitehurst
Kathryn Wildgen
Edie and John Wilson
Dr. Jane C. Miller & Bruce A. Miller
Benjamin Motion
Lawrence Rosen
Benjamin Samuels, Realtor and Dr. Robert Vasquez
Madalyn Schenk
Harry Stahel
Robert Steeg
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Suarez
Caroline Theus
Mr. and Mrs. David Wagstaff
Miriam Waltzer
Lawrence Young
Patron – $1,000+
Mrs. Jane E. Boettcher
Charlotte Bollinger
Dr. and Mrs. Salvador Caputto
Darwin S. Fenner Memorial Fund
Diane and Charles Dupin
Eason Weinmann Foundation
Dr. James Farrow
Joan and Henry Folse
Lionel and Lynda Head
Sun Kim
Mrs. Charles W. Lane III
Robert Lyall
Mark Manguno
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard N. Alsfeld
Mr. John Batson
Martha Beveridge
Donna Bradley
Richard Buchsbaum
Mary Ann Bulla
Mark Caldwell
Charles Caluda
Laura and Allen Carman
Burton Greenberg and Jim Clavin
Dr. Raquel Cortina
Dr. Sydney Crackower
Downman Family Foundation
Catherine Edwards
Diane Fee
Stephen Futrell
Kim Glazer Goldberg
Melissa and Bruce Gordon
Family of Sandy and Edward M. Heller
Joe Inabnett
Richard Katz
Sonia Kenwood
Andrew King
Max and Vicky Loubiere
Ray J. Lousteau, M.D.
Mrs. Mary Lowry
Marrero Land & Improvement Association Ltd.
Julian Mutter
Mr. Anwar Nasir
Ernest O’Bannon
Ted and Adair Parr
Wilton Pate
Elyse Perrick
John M. Pope
Dr. Rafael Rubio
Mr. William Sabatier
Bruce Samuels
Dr. and Mrs. Jay M. Shames
Gregory Tilton
Kathleen Van Horn
Dr & Mrs Rand Voorhies
Cedric Walker
Eric and Regina Wedig
Robert and Georgie Weilbaecher
Larry and Georgia Young
Stephen Smith
Debb Almeida
Ms. Ellen Andes
Mr. and Mrs. Allain C. Andry III
Michael L. Baker & Myles J. Kearney
Harriet Balart
Everett Bonner
Dr. Georgia M. Bryant
Ms. Mary Ellen Burns and Jon Christopher Brown
Dianne Caverly
Dr. Jane Clayton
Joan Coulter
Kerry Cuccia
David Daube
Lois Robinson and Crozet Duplantier
Ron Duplessis
Ronald Durnford
Maria Elliott
Jane Eyrich
Dale Fleishmann
Brenda Gaudin
Dr. Kurt Gitter and Ms. Alice Yelen
Robert Green
Holly and Kirk Groh
Seth Harris and Julie Schwam Harris
Christopher Hines
Lorene Holbrook
Cheryl Jarrell
Sylvia Johnson
Rachel Fei Kaplan
Jonathan Kramer
William Kramer
Ted Laborde
Amy Alvarez and Stuart Lob
Marc Loudon
Michael L. Mancuso
Nicolle McGuiness
Virginia McLain
Lorna Menzel
G. Edward Merritt
Eric Mund
Peter Munstedt
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nead
Nell Nolan and Robert Young
Eric and Erlinda Nye
James Oakes
Elizabeth O’Connor
Dr. Craig Parker
Magda Pelias
Dr. and Mrs. H. Gunther Perdigao
W. Kent Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pulitzer
Carol Reese
Catherine Robbins
Anthony M. Rotolo
Andre and Robbie Rubenstein
Rosemary Ryan
Elizabeth Ryan
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) and Mrs. Thomas A. Sands
Steven Schilling
Peter Schlesinger
Marci Schramm
S. P. Schwing, IV
Mark and Sally Seyler
Ms. Charlotte A. Brunner and Mr. Alan M. Shiller
Bruce and Jackie Shreves
Kirea Smith-Miles
Timothy Soslow
Eleanor and Philip Straub
Charles Stuart
William and Joan Tebow
Dr. Nia Terezakis
Ghyslaine Thelin
Joyce Thibodeaux
Sydney Touchstone Lawder
Mr. Benjamin Samuels and Dr. Robert Vasquez
Eric and Regina Wedig
Michael Weiser
Karen and Donald Weldon
Ms. Julie W. Woolfolk