Paul Macres


Professional Studies Certificate in Music Performance – Colburn School of Music
Master of Music – Rice University – Shepherd School of Music
Bachelor of Music – Manhattan School of Music

A Minnesota native, Paul Macres has been a member of the LPO since 2012. Prior to that, he was studying at the Colburn School of Music in Los Angeles, where he earned a Professional Studies Certificate in music performance. Paul also holds a master’s degree from Rice University, and a bachelor’s degree from the Manhattan School of Music, both in music performance.

Paul has performed with many orchestras across the country, including the Kansas City Symphony, the San Diego Symphony, and the Minnesota Orchestra. His performances have also taken him around the globe, going on two world tours with the Verbier Festival Orchestra, and playing one week as guest co-principal bass with the Stavanger Symphony in Norway. In the summer, Paul can be found playing bass with the Breckenridge Music Festival in Colorado, and the Artosphere Festival Orchestra in Arkansas. Other previous summer festivals include the National Repertory Orchestra, the Music Academy of the West, and New Orleans very own Birdfoot Chamber Music Festival.

An avid teacher, Paul holds teaching positions with GNOYO, NOCCA and YOL9W, a youth orchestra based in the New Orleans Lower 9th Ward.


William Schettler


Ben Wheeler