Kyle Anderson


Master of Music – Bard College – The Orchestra Now
Bachelor of Music – Cleveland Institute of Music

Kyle Anderson, is a cellist from New Orleans, Louisiana. Kyle is proud to be a third-generation musician. His parents are Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO) Principal Double-Bassist David Anderson, and New-Orleans-based harpist Catherine Anderson. His grandfather, Edwin Anderson, was Bass-Trombonist with the Cleveland Orchestra from 1963-88.

Beginning the cello at age five, Kyle’s first private teachers were Karen Ray and Allen Nisbet, and in 2011 Kyle won the Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra Young Artist Concerto Competition. He was also a featured finalist at the Philadelphia International Music Festival’s Summer Concerto Competition that year playing the Schumann Cello Concerto. Kyle also has a passion for jazz, and spent two years at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts studying jazz guitar. In 2017 he earned his bachelors degree in Cello Performance at the Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM), where he studied with the renowned chamber musician and soloist Sharon Robinson and spent three semesters in her Advanced Piano Trio Program. While at CIM, Kyle was also coached in chamber music by Anita Pontremolli, Jaime Laredo, Jinjoo Cho and the Cavani String Quartet. After his time at CIM, Kyle was awarded a place in the Orchestra Now (TON), a pre-professional graduate orchestra based at Bard College in New York state, where Kyle earned his masters degree in 2020. During his three seasons with TON, Kyle had the pleasure to work with esteemed conductors from around the world and perform at many of New York City’s finest concert halls. In the summer 2021, Kyle was principal cellist of the National Repertory Orchestra in Breckenridge, Colorado, and returned the following year as assistant-principal.  Since graduating, Kyle has been an avid performer of chamber and orchestral works in the New Orleans area, with groups such as the LPO, the New Orleans Chamber Orchestra, and the Viennese Operetta Ensemble. In addition to his principal teachers, Kyle has worked with Stephen Geber, Peter Wiley, Raphael Wallfisch, Alban Gerhardt and many more.


Daniel Lelchuk


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