Rebecca Edge


Indiana University – Jacobs School of Music – Bachelor of Music

Rebecca Edge has been performing with the Orlando Philharmonic since 2014. In 2023, she joins the Des Moines Metro Opera and Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. She has also performed with Kalamazoo Symphony, Columbus Indiana Philharmonic, Illinois Symphony, Brevard Symphony, Hollywood Concert Orchestra as Assistant Principal 2nd Violin touring Japan in 2023, and was previously an associate member of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. During her studies, she served as Principal 2nd of the Indiana University Orchestra, Round Top Texas Festival Orchestra 2018, Tanglewood Institute (2013-2015) and Concertmaster of FMEA All-State and OCPS All-County Orchestras. She has performed as soloist with various orchestras in central Florida. Rebecca has also played in various chamber ensembles in Miami Music Festival, Domaine Forget in Quebéc, Castleman Quartet Program, BRAVO International Chamber Workshop, and at Tanglewood coached by the Muir String Quartet.

She earned her BM at Indiana University attending with the Jacobs Premier Young Artist Award. Her primary teachers include Lev Gurevich, Rimma Bergeron Langlois, Jorja Fleezanis and Kevork Mardirossian. Rebecca is also a passionate teacher and maintains a private studio. Formerly she was on faculty at The People’s Music School, an El Sistema nonprofit providing excellent and comprehensive music education to Chicago students, and a 2022 OCPS All-County clinician for Middle and High School Orchestra.


Zorica Dimova


Judith Armistead Fitzpatrick